Thursday, September 8, 2011

Black & White Photography: Unveiling The Digital Mystery

Black & White Photography: Unveiling The Digital Mystery Review

Once again black and white photographs are popular. The idea of photos taking on the look of yesteryear is becoming increasingly more popular. So much so that the everyday snap shooter can now go to the local drugstore and ask for black and white prints and in many instances sepia toned as well. But for the more advanced picture taker the idea of all that mystery of taking photos in color and making beautiful black and white enlarged prints for the wall in the home or a photo book on the coffee table - the drugstore just doesn't hack it. setting up a film processing lab in the basement isn't appealing either, why go back to the dinosaur age? This book is intended for just that person. "Black & White" will unveil all that mystery and more. It demonstrates "how to" in layman's terms so the digital world of black and white will be a fun and a delightful creative experience. In the early 1950's 35mm film was black & white or color slides that were projected on a screen for a room full of people to enjoy. Color was the "new thing" but printing in color was rare for the average photographer, even then color printing in magazine ads was not common place. I was one of the first in the Cleveland area to shoot in color for commercial work it was the exciting and the advanced thing to be able to do for your client. So here we are 55 years later with this book that will lead you back to were I was in the black and white era of photography. In those days I was trying to understand and find my way around in the new color world just like many today are trying to understand black & white. But we won't stay in the past long - just long enough for you the reader to understand the basic fundamentals and then bring everyone back into the new digital world of black & white photography where we will explore how-to-do-it digitally. __Andy Boyd

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